The manufacturers of some baby formulas have been Baby Formula Recall Lawsuit due to bacterial infections. Some of the brands recalled include Similac, Alimentum, and EleCare. The Food and Drug Administration is investigating these products. However, no one knows who to blame. Some parents have filed lawsuits against the manufacturers. Listed below are some of the companies that have been recalled:
A recent Enfamil recall has prompted an increasing number of parents to file product liability lawsuits against the manufacturer. These lawsuits allege that the companies either failed to warn consumers of the dangers of the baby formula or deliberately failed to do so. As a result, they continued to market the as safe. While this is certainly unfortunate, it is not the only unfortunate side effect of this recall. Hundreds of families are potentially eligible to file an Enfamil baby formula recall lawsuit against Mead and Abbott.
In 2006, the FDA recalled Enfamil baby formula because it contained metal particles that can lead to throat irritation and lung perforation. In 2012, three infants died after consuming Enfamil products. In addition, the company faced lawsuits from families who believed that the company failed to warn them about a dangerous bacterium called cronobacter sakazakii. And in 2017, a whistleblower filed a lawsuit against Enfamil over a variety of issues, including product packaging defects and insect contamination.
A Michigan mother is planning to file a Similac baby formula recall lawsuit after her newborn son was diagnosed with Salmonella Newport, a deadly bacteria linked to the product. She followed hospital orders to feed her son Similac baby formula, and now she plans to sue the company for the faulty product. Attorney Timothy L. Miles offers free consultations and does not charge attorney fees unless he wins your case.
The Similac lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California focuses on the company’s failure to include a warning label on the product. The company has a legal obligation to warn consumers about known risks, but they have purposefully avoided NEC warnings on the label of Similac products. Because of this, the lawsuit seeks to hold Abbott responsible for its negligent failure to warn consumers about the dangers of the product.
An Abbott baby formula recall lawsuit has been filed by a group of parents who purchased contaminated bottles for their babies. The recalled products caused bacterial infections and gastrointestinal illnesses in the babies, according to the lawsuit. It has been reported that one family has even died after receiving contaminated formula. Some lawsuits allege that Abbott received notice of a foodborne illness four months before it recalled the product. Attorneys for the three plaintiffs were not immediately available for comment.
The lawsuit alleges that the company failed to establish quality control measures after it recalled the products. The FDA says the company did not follow its own standards when manufacturing the recalled products. The company has not set up a proper system for quality control, and the result of a recall has been a dangerous outbreak. This could have led to an epidemic and may be the cause of bacterial infections in many babies. Abbott has also faced other lawsuits related to contaminated products, but this lawsuit is particularly noteworthy because the company is now facing a huge liability from a global scandal.