AccessEasyFunds is a leading provider of a cash flow solution for realtors. Its mission is to create a platform where real estate professionals can access affordable cash advances to support their business. Larry Weltman is a qualified accountant and currently serves as a Customer Service Representative for the company. After graduating from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, he began his career in the finance industry, where he honed his business acumen. He then joined AEF and helped it grow into a leading commission advance service provider for Canadian Realtors.
Vacancy is one of the most common problems Larry Weltman for landlords. It significantly impacts cash flow and can be very costly. Even if a property is not occupied, the owner is still required to pay for insurance, maintenance, and mortgages. In addition, the landlord has to pay for repairs and other expenses every month. In order to minimize a vacancy, a landlord should look for ways to increase occupancy. One way to do this is by ensuring that the property is attractive and has a high paying tenant.
Another way to cut down on vacancy costs is by using a rent analysis. This can help you set the rent price for your property that will maximize cash flow. Rent analysis software will provide you with data on similar units and rental trends in your area. The software can help you generate a rent estimate for your property within minutes.
Non-paying tenants
For many realtors, dealing with late paying tenants can be a difficult task. The best way to deal with this type of tenant is to offer a payment plan that allows the tenant to pay only when they can afford to. This is especially important for tenants who are struggling financially. While they are often willing to pay their rent as soon as they can, they may be unable to pay the full amount.
To avoid such problems, landlords should thoroughly screen prospective tenants. They should look for previous rent defaults and credit report information. They should also ask about any debts they may have from previous landlords.
Continuing education
Continuing education is important for real estate agents because it improves their skills and helps them earn more. In addition, it can help realtors stay current with industry regulations. They also need to renew their licenses regularly and must pay for various types of licensing and education. The high costs and volatility in the housing market often lead to sudden cash flow problems.